Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19
Every believer is a missionary. If we are to be effective believers and a church committed to transforming our times, then we, as the hands and feet of Jesus, must PRAY, SEND, and GO. The Great Commission is a mandate for all who claim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior:
Regular Schedule
Kids Ministry
Student Ministry
Family Ministry
Church Events
Women's Ministry
The Path Forward
Life Groups
Worship Ministry
Weekly Schedule
Kids Check-In Events
Repeating Events

We believe in the power of partnership. We seek to establish ongoing relationship with missionaries, missions organizations, or mission points at three levels locally, nationally, globally.
Local Partnerships
Center for Pregnancy Choices
For many women, discovering they are pregnant isn’t a joyful experience. Rather, it brings an overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty—and, many times, the feeling of abandonment. The CPC understands and respects these feelings and offers help, support, resources, and encouragement—free of charge.
Crossroads Ministries
Crossroads Ministries provides help, healing, and hope to women coming from our penal systems facing addictions and more, in a God-honoring manner. Crossroads Ministries is also actively seeking others who would be willing to devote their time, talents, and treasures to join our team.
Lifeline Children's Services
Our focus remains on an eternity with Christ for the child and the parent, and we believe a gospel-centered family is an amazing window to their salvation. Our desire is to come alongside Christian missional families with resources they will need to find and nurture their children, as they become disciples who make disciples.
Metro Baptist Convention
Metro Baptist Association (MBA) exist to help churches achieve collectively what they cannot achieve along. MBA is a network of more than ninety churches in Hinds and Madison counties seeking to fulfill the commission of Jesus Christ to share the good news of salvation with the greater Jackson metropolitan area and beyond. Together we seek to accomplish tasks that most of us would be unable to achieve alone.
Mission First
Mission First is an umbrella for ministries based out of Jackson, MS including: Medical, Dental, Legal Aid,
Neighborhood Revitalization, Sports, After School Programs, Early Childhood Education.
Neighborhood Revitalization, Sports, After School Programs, Early Childhood Education.
The Resource Center at Traceridge
We are dedicated to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of our community. With your help, we can display the love of Christ through irrational generosity. See how you can play a key role in empowering families and strengthening your city.
National Mission Partners
Libby Baptist Church
Libby Baptist Church (LBC) was established in 1965 as a cooperative effort between Easthaven Baptist Church (Kalispell, Montana) and other Baptists from around the country with a heart for reaching Montana with the Good News of Jesus.
North American Mission Board
of the Southern Baptist Convention
The Church is God’s plan—you are God’s plan—to reach North America and the nations with the hope of the gospel, and the North American Mission Board is here to help.
Global Mission Partners
Church Missions Network
CMN is a non-profit ministry designed to assist churches and individuals to take the Gospel to East Africa through short term mission trips. Our heart is train pastors, make disciples, and plant churches. We do this through short term mission trips, pastor training schools, orphan care, and small business training.
International Mission Board
of the Southern Baptist Convention
As a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, the IMB exists to serve Southern Baptists in carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. Through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®, Southern Baptist churches support thousands of missionaries and missionary teams who are making disciples and planting churches around the world.
Lugoj, Romania
We are part of a coalition of U.S. churches that focus mission efforts on the city of Lugoj, Romania. For over 20 years we have worked with local baptist churches in their mission, served orphans in the area, and helped create and support the only evangelical school in the area.